In advance of upcoming PoliceDriver.Com (PDC) webinars we are looking for volunteers to help us test and offer feedback on webinar software and its features.
The date of testing is August 21st at 11:00 AM.
Specifically, we’ll be testing the ClickMeeting product and its features such as:
- YouTube video playback
- Whiteboard
- Screenshare
- In meeting polls
- Chat
- File downloads
- Invite process
- Presenter video
Testers will be able to attend a future PDC Webinar for free in appreciation for their assistance.
If you’d like to be a beta tester for PDC, enter your email below to be added to the beta testers email list and we’ll send out additional information.
Future Webinars will be cover
- Concept of Feet/Second
- ESC and Training
- Maximum attainable speed through a given scenario
- Measuring Braking
- Under – Over Steer
- Tire pressure – Contact Patch
- Weight Transfer
- Reaction Time
- Exercise Design
- Friction Circle
- Scoring Systems